Electric detonators require electricity for initiation and any external electric force can act hazardous to the operation.

With the rising demand for electric detonators, the industrial explosive suppliers in India have always strived hard to fulfill the need of the blasting sector by offering them the best products possible. And especially when it comes to the electric detonator that has gained a lot of popularity lately, its efficiency during the blasting projects has been tremendously noticeable. As the name itself says everything about this detonator, it is initiated by electricity as it explodes instantaneously when electricity is turned on.
Functioning of an electric detonator
To understand the functioning of the electric detonators, you must know that these electric detonators are divided into three categories namely short period delay detonators (SPD), long period delay detonators (LPD), and instantaneous electrical detonators (IED). The LPDs are generally measured in seconds and the SPDs are measured in milliseconds. If there is such a situation where the accuracy required is of nanoseconds especially in the disintegration charges in the nuclear weapons, then the exploding bridge wire detonators are put into action.
The shock wave is created by vaporizing a certain length of thin wire with the help of an electric discharge. Then a slapper detonator is employed that uses slim plates that are powered by an electrically exploded foil or sometimes wire so that the initial shock can be delivered. It needs to be noted that the electric detonators are extremely sensitive to shock, radiofrequency energy, heat, and electromagnetic radiation and that is why, when executed, extreme caution needs to be followed.
Cautions to be followed
Electric detonators are specifically designed to fire off electrical energy when applied to them. Therefore, if any inappropriate source of the electrical current is applied to it then know that it can be hazardous to the entire blasting operation as it becomes the premature initiation source. That is why it is always advised by the experts of blasting equipment suppliers in India that it is premature initiation sources such as radio transmitters, lightning, sources of static electricity or high voltage power lines should be avoided.
For IEDs, they are usually applied for the blasting operations in quarries, opencast mines, and underground non-gassy mines. By connecting the IEDs to the detonating fuse in the series and are then connected to the exploder for firing. Only highly skilled professionals and engineers are supposed to do the entire blasting operations that involve these kinds of detonators. With SBL Energy Limited which is one of the topmost Industrial Explosives Company in India that offers an end-to-end solution for all your blasting operations. Right from what explosives you need to choose to what kinds of detonators are going to be useful for the operation, everything is guided by the extremely skilled engineers at SBL. Get your appointment to know about the electric detonators right away.