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What is the Application of Seismic Explosives?

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

Seismic explosives are mainly used for seismic exploration and the technology has been used since the early 1900s.

Seismic Explosives

Every blasting project is different and requires a different set of explosives to work for. That is why the industrial explosive suppliers in India have been making sure that all the demands are fulfilled by ensuring the overall safety of the explosives while they are handled by the customers. And one such product is the seismic explosives that have gained tremendous popularity in recent times because of their capability to work at their best for geophysical mining.

With the technology evolving every passing day, the blasting equipment suppliers pan India are engaged in a continuous process to come up with the best possible products that can benefit to the fullest its customers and their blasting operations. Seismic explosives are used for seismic exploration and seismic technology has been in use since the early 1900s as it was mainly used to detect icebergs and measure the water depths. But now with time, seismic technology has progressed way far than we all would have imagined. And thanks to the mining explosives manufacturers in India for bringing in the seismic explosives to level up the game of seismic exploration.

What is seismic exploration?

As mentioned above, one of the major work seismic explosives do is seismic exploration. Out of all the techniques used for geophysical exploration, seismic exploration is one of the most primary and vital without any denials because of its humungous ability to detect the subsurface features, be it small or large. This activity involves detecting the various shapes and physical properties imbibed in the earth’s subsurface layers right from the return of the sound waves that are transmitted through the earth. The wildcatters used to explore the oil wells by drilling the exposed rocks in the early days. But with seismic exploration, these oil wells can now be easily discovered, and the geologists can tap on the areas where the prospects are higher, all thanks to the wonders that seismic explosives can do in this process.

Seismic explosives comprise the gelatin ammonia gelatin dynamites, and blasting gelatin that is specifically used for geophysical exploration with the seismic method. These explosives are tailored to shoot steadily at a dedicated rate of detonation that usually happens through extremely heavy water pressure.

Application of seismic explosives

Since the seismic explosives are used for seismic exploration, the product density is designed in such a way that the cartridge completely sinks in the water. The seismic explosives are extremely water-resistant and are packed in couplable tubes. Apart from that, the explosives have high VOD and are of immensely high strength.

Also, whole the seismic explosives are used for exploration, you must know that they are not at all used to break the rock as is how it is done for construction and mining operations. The vital aim is to produce the vibration wave so that it can travel into the earth’s subsurface.

Let’s understand it with an example. In a large-scale 3-D seismic exploration, 3-inch diameter and 20-foot deep holes are drilled in a rectangular shape. Then the hole is filled with small explosive charges and the remaining space is filled with crushed stones. The reason for the crushed stones is that it restricts the power of the detonation and allow the vibration wave to travel down to the ground while keeping it lower in energy at the top. The industrial explosive suppliers in India recommend keeping everything secured and undisturbed while the operation is going on.

Your every need for industrial explosives has always been fulfilled by some of the best blasting equipment suppliers pan India, and one such name to always swear by is SBL Energy Limited. Along with the highest quality seismic explosives on the board, SBL Energy also offers a detailed consultation on the application and usage of the explosives and offers the required training needed for its operation.

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